Our Home Waters


In 2018 GBTU adopted the Neponset River Watershed Association (NepRWA) as a homewater where we could focus GBTU's efforts on protecting this fragile ecosytem were brook trout exist inside of Routes 128 & 495.


In 2019 GBTU was awarded an Embrace a Stream grant to support a full river study to inlcude - culvert assessments, water testing, temp monitoring and eDNA testing.  


In 2020 we began the project, perfoming the planned culvert assessments, temerature monitoring and eDNA testing. 


In 2021 we plan to perform eDNA in the spring and plan restoration efforts.


In 2022 NepRWA was awared and MVP Grant to remove the Mill Pond Dam and restore the surrounding Traphole Brook.  Additional work was completed on a the Canton Ave Dam removal, plus tree plantings, live willow staking and clean ups.




We are always looking for volunteers to participate in our Embrace a Stream project and to host annual cleanups.


Find out more here: https://www.neponset.org/